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The Wind & The Sun

The Wind & The Sun

One day, an argument of who was stronger arose between the sun and the wind. Seeing a traveler walking across the land, they decided they would compete to see who could get his cloak off the fastest.

The wind went first.  She swirled clouds overhead and day went dark.  Violent gusts kicked up dust which stung any exposed skin.  The traveler clutched his cloak tightly as torrents swirled around him, nearly tearing the cloak at its seams.  He clutched with both hands tightly, never letting go.  Cloak still firmly on his head, the wind was exhausted, reduced now to a mere breeze.

The sun was ready to take his turn, dispelling the clouds which had been gathered for wind; replacing their darkness with still, warm, muggy air.  The traveler began to get lightheaded, sweat beading on his brow.  Without further hesitation, he dropped his cloak and hustled off to the nearest shady place.

Moral of the Story: Warmth & persuasion is often more effective than force.


The Wind & The Sun: A Modern Fable

Coach Sun and Coach Wind were recently assigned to work with the same struggling team.  This team was demoralized, for they hadn’t yet won even a single game.

Coach Wind stepped up first with an iron fist. He drilled them hard, and called out every little mistake he saw.  He made them run laps, and punished them mercilessly when he caught one of the members of team goofing off.  Despite the strict approach he used on the team, things only seemed to get worse.  They went from demotivated to completely checked out.  Several members of the team even quit.  

Coach Sun asked if he could take the lead and Coach Wind obliged, completely frustrated by this immature team.  In the first week, Coach Sun spent time learning about each person on the team; what they liked, where they struggled, and what they hoped to accomplish.  He allowed them to rearrange their positions a bit, but asked they simply take ownership of where they landed.  He encouraged having fun, and would occasionally would introduce little games during training time that had the team in stitches from laughter. 

In the next game, the team played for each other, and they played having fun.  It was clear several members of the team were become leaders with their mates.  Despite losing the game, they scored a few goals.  Expecting punishment for the loss, they were thrilled to receive Coach Sun’s kind words and treatment as if they were the winners. In defeat, they were still able to find areas where they had improved, and because Coach Sun was trusted, they were able to listen to what he had to say.  Over the next few games, they capitalized on their competencies and not long after, they collected their first win.  


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