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The Lion in Love

Traditional Version: The Lion in Love

There once was a kingly lion who ruled over his domain.  He fell in love with a beautiful maiden and desired to marry her.  However, she was frightened by the Lion and his sharp claws.  Recognizing her apprehension, the Lion went to the cunning Fox for advice.  Fox advised him to change for her, specifically to remove his claws so she would no longer have reason to fear him.  Lion thought about it quickly, then decided to go through with it, hopeful to finally win her heart.

After painfully removing his claws, he timidly approached the maiden.  Seeing that he was no longer equipped with dangerous claws, she agreed to be with him.  The period of happiness was short-lived, however, and soon she recognized the other animals no longer feared him either and that he could no longer hunt. 

Feeling that she was no longer safe and provided for, she fled the jungle. The Lion was left alone to scavenge and beg for food until he passed away within a few weeks.

Moral of the Story: Stay true to your nature.   


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