The City Mouse
Once upon a time, there were two lifelong friends: a city mouse and a country mouse, each accustomed to their own unique lifestyles. Eager to reconnect, the city mouse extended an invitation to the country mouse to visit him in the bustling city. The country mouse excitedly accepted.
During the visit, they embarked on a culinary adventure, feasting on an array of delicacies scavenged from dumpsters - cheeses, meats, and pastries galore. They sampled spilled sodas and even had a splash of champagne. Their indulgence was nearly permanently ended when an alley cat suddenly appeared, sending the fattened mice scurrying into a nearby rain spout, narrowly escaping the cat's grasp.
As night fell, the city came alive with bright lights and bustling activity. Cars zoomed by, bass thumped against building walls, and people filled the streets with shouts and laughter, oblivious to the noise they created.
After a restless night, the country mouse expressed a desire to return home, citing the constant danger, the lack of peace and quiet, and the need to remain on the move as reasons for his discomfort. He could never imagine living in such a chaotic environment.
In contrast, the city mouse, still buzzing with excitement from their adventure, couldn't understand his friend's dissatisfaction. To him, the thrill of the city's vibrant energy and endless possibilities was what made it such an amazing home.
The Country Mouse
Once upon a time, there were two lifelong friends: a city mouse and a country mouse, each accustomed to their own unique lifestyles. Eager to reconnect, the country mouse extended an invite to the city mouse to visit him in the peaceful countryside. The city mouse excitedly accepted.
During the visit, they dined on simple fare - plain barley, wild berries, and cool water collected from recent rains. They spent their days lounging on the porch, engaged in uninterrupted conversation, undisturbed by any visitors. At night, the only sounds were the rustle of branches and leaves in the wind, accompanied by an enveloping darkness broken only by the moon's glow.
After a restless night, the city mouse expressed a desire to return home, citing the simplicity of the food, the lack of excitement, unnerving quietness, and blinding darkness as reasons the for his discomfort. He craved adventure and stimulation, finding the stillness of the countryside stifling.
In contrast, the country mouse, fully content with the tranquility of his home, couldn’t understand his friend’s dissatisfaction. To him, the simplicity of life, the peace and quiet, and the opportunity for introspection that the countryside offered is what made it such an amazing home.
Perspective is EVERYTHING.
Which mouse are you?
City Mouse
Country Mouse